Friday, October 3, 2008

The First Blog

I remember first hearing the word "blogging" a number of years ago and having absolutely no clue what it meant. Then, when I found out, I thought it was stupid. Why would anyone want to read daily thoughts from someone else? Minutia from someone else's life. That's not news. Not interesting.

Recently, I've started reading many blogs, without even really realizing they were blogs. But I finally came to realize just how useful a blog really is. It's not useful. At all. Unless you want to keep an online diary of your thoughts on a day to day basis. Or unless you happen to know and like the person who is blogging. It's especially interesting if you know and respect the person but still disagree with them enough to trigger debate fodder. So here is my blog. I'm keeping it for myself, because I don't care about you. I don't even know you. So, screw you. This is the one thing I'm doing just for me. If for some reason you still want to read and contribute, feel free to do so. In all likelihood, I'm way funnier and far more intelligent than you are, so you may not get alot of what I write, but that's ok. Try to appreciate what you are able to process. If there's anything you don't get or find confusing feel free to contact me so I can make fun of you. Oh, and sometimes I may distribute free Broadway/Concert/Sports tickets on here. Seriously. I often get freebies to goodies I can't use.

More to come...

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